Through the sequence of Writing Instruction Program coursework detailed below, students will demonstrate the following learning outcomes of the NKU General Education Program:
• C.2. Students create and write coherent, grammatical pieces for a variety of topics and audiences.
• C.3. Students employ the principles of rhetorical communication.
• C.4. Students comprehend college-level readings in various settings and disciplines.
• E.1. Students comprehend the ethical perspectives and responsibilities of individuals.
For information on student placement and testing options, please see . For information on developmental courses, please see .
English 101 involves the study and practice of writing with attention to audience, purpose, and conventions appropriate to a specific writing situation. This includes the reading, writing, and analyzing of a variety of texts (which may be written, digital, or visual). This course is designed to help you become more successful writers within a range of communities, audiences, and groups you interact and communicate with every day. As a result, the kinds of writing you will practice will be useful to you both inside and outside the university environment.
The usual work load in this class includes:
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
English 102 involves the study and practice of writing in a variety of forms, with attention to audience, purpose, and conventions appropriate to writing situation. This course will help you become a more independent writer while working toward in-depth development of critical reading and writing skills.
Building on your understanding of rhetorical reading and writing gained in previous college writing courses, you will continue to focus on the way readers and writers construct meaning and approach persuasive strategies, and will become engaged in several topics and issues and add your voice to “the conversation.”
The usual work load for this class includes:
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
English 151 is a selective admissions Honors course that accomplishes the goals of both English 101 and English 102 in an accelerated single semester. The course is appropriate for you if you are highly prepared and ready to be challenged as you make the transition into university-level writing. This course has a interdisciplinary emphasis and will be conducted as a seminar.
This course is based upon the premise that good writers write frequently, read carefully, use a writing process, and collaborate with others to improve what they write. You will read to discover new perspectives, to enlarge your repertoire of rhetorical and stylistic strategies, and to become a discerning user of sources.
The work load for this course depends on the instructor as assignments appropriate for this course will vary, but students can expect several major writing projects.
By the end of the semester, students should be able to: